Monthly Archives: November 2013

Loved and Lost

They say it’s better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. Well, I’d like to take this time to tell those people that ‘they’ don’t know what the hell they’re talking about. Love hurts. It’s a universal fact. It rips you apart, only to build you back up stronger. Know what’s worse? Unrequited love.

The feeling of knowing that despite how deeply you care for someone, they’ll never feel the same way about you. It feels like someone’s just ripped out your heart, and sucked out all the air in your lungs. Especially when you see them with someone else. Sure, you’re happy they’re happy, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t still hurt. On some basic, instinctual level, it will always hurt. Even years later, even if you’ve found someone else, you’ll wistfully remember that person and your heart will hurt a little bit. Maybe not as much as it did back then, but you’ll still feel a twinge of emotion at the thought of them.

For those wondering, yeah, I have definitely been there before. And may I just say that I would not wish that feeling on my worst enemy. To those who have never been there, you guys are some lucky people. Because, honestly, if I had to choose between soul crushing heartbreak and never having experienced any sort of romantic encounter, I’ll take the latter with no hesitation. Because this sucks. Seriously. Especially when you realize that there are about twenty different sad rock songs that will forever remind you of that person and that situation.

Sigh. I think I’ve just depressed myself by writing this. I’m gonna go listen to sad rock music and cry now.

Before I go, though, a big, hearty eff you to whoever came up with that quote.

Til next time, guys.